Friends Witness for a Pro-life Peace Testimony

member of the Consistent Life Network

Pro-life Friends


Mission Statement

The Friends Witness for a Pro-life Peace Testimony witnesses to the value in each human life, regardless of stage of life or life circumstances. As Jesus said, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40). We deeply feel the call of the Spirit to move away from the violence of war, the death penalty, abortion, and euthanasia towards life-affirming approaches. We seek to educate Friends across the wide spectrum of the Religious Society around this concern, and to unite with others inside and outside of the Society of Friends who are responding to a similar call.

Current project: 

Because the discernment process on abortion policy asked for by Friends Committee on National Legislation offered queries that missed many important aspects of the issue, we are working on Alternative Queries that we will offer by e-mail and postal mail to Friends Meetings and Churches, as well as posting on this website. If you have particular queries you would like to be sure are covered, or would like to review the ones we have as we season them, please let us know at clerk @ (remove spaces). Our clerk is currently Rachel MacNair; this note was put up 02.20.25. 

On-Site Insight

We would be delighted to receive original writings to consider for publication on this web page, including reflections, documentation, personal experiences, and book reviews. Send inquiries or short pieces to clerk @ [remove spaces].



The Testimonies and Abortion

Positions of Quaker Bodies on Abortion and/or Euthanasia (pro-life, pro-choice, or not-yet-in-unity)

Quaker Quotations

Sister Historic Peace Church: The Mennonites



Personal Stories

Videos (women telling their stories, satires, abortion doctors explain, etc.)

Is Abortion Against Peace Principles? Listen to those who do them!

Peace Psychology Considers Abortion (a Power Point presentation given at the Friends Association for Higher Education conference, 2023)

Connections of Abortion with Other Violence (nuclear weapons, racism, the death penalty, and weaponized drones)

The Danger of Bubbles among Friends

Friend Susan B. Anthony

Pacifism 101 for Pro-life non-Quakers


Responses to Others

Abortion and Civil War by Chuck Fager / responding essay to Chuck Fager

Quaker Earthcare Witness pamphlet: Friends Seeking Clearness on Abortion responding essay to Quaker Earthcare

Should FCNL Take a Position on Abortion?

Responses to AFSC book, Who Shall Live?

All Shall Live! book excerpts

A Personal Impact


Friends Journal

Feature article: My Personal Journey on the Abortion Issue – February, 2010

Letters to the Editor responding

Responding article:  What Underlies the Debate About Abortion? – April 2010

Necessary, Not Evil – February 1, 2013         

Quakers Must Take a Position on Abortion – August 8, 2022           (Response.)


Full-page ads:

Reflections on Abortion and Pacifist Principles (October, 2007)

The Failed Experiment: Abortion and Women’s Rights, Poverty, and Racism (November, 2007)

The Impact of the Abortion Debate on Peace Movement Goals (December, 2007)


Letters to the Editor in Friends Journal responding to ads


Books on Peace-Oriented Abortion Opposition (April, 2009)

AFSC – Time for Further Discernment? (May, 2009)


Quakes Oppose Abortion

Out-of-Site Insight

Book Recommendations

Northern Spirit Radio – A one-hour radio interview exploring a thoughtful dialog between a pro-life and a pro-choice Quaker: Toward Taking Away the Occasion of Abortion 

A Lively Concern – Spiritual Diversity Issue, article covering Friends, Feminism & Nonviolence Studies journal


Quaker Reflections

This is a Person! Is This?  – captions to a polluting corporation building and then to an unborn child

If You Can’t Explain the Opposition to Your Case. The group of 150 people referred to was the November 2023 meeting of the Friends Committee on National Legislation. 


Web-sites from a peace, feminist, and/or disability-rights point of view:

Consistent Life Network – (see also its blog, its podcast, and its weekly e-letter, Peace & Life Connections)

Rehumanize International (see also its blog and its online magazine, Life Matters Journal)

Peace & Life Referendums

Feminists for Nonviolent Choices

Feminists for Life of America

New Wave Feminists

Secular Pro-Life

Rainbow Pro-Life Alliance (formerly the Pro-life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians)

Not Dead Yet

Advocacy from Pro-Life Activists for Public Policies Meeting Needs of Mothers and Children: – signed by several prominent pro-lifers. This was published January 19, 2023. Suggested policies include: accessible and affordable health care, expanded child tax credits, paid parental leave, flexible work hours, affordable child care, and prenatal child support laws.

Make Birth Free: A Vision for Congress to Empower American Mothers, Families and Communities is a White Paper by Americans United for Life and Democrats for Life of America. It explains the need for measures to fund obstetrics; one suggestion is to expand Medicare (as a precedent, this was done with end-stage renal disease).

See also this article in The Washington Post: Opinion: We disagree on abortion. Here’s a pro-family agenda both parties can support. by Marc A. Thiessen and Alyssa Rosenberg, September 5, 2023. A pro-choicer and a pro-lifer put forward public policy both support.

New York Times article 02.10.25: As Fellow Pro-Lifers, We Are Begging Marco Rubio to Save Foreign Aid

Quaker Pro-life Women


Selected Blog Posts

from the Consistent Life Network

(see a list of all posts here)


Harms of Abortion to Women

How Abortion is Useful for Rape Culture

Abortion Facilitates Sex Abuse: Documentation

The Message of “Never Rarely Sometimes Always”: Abortion Gets Sexual Predators Off the Hook 

Gendercide: Millions of “Missing” (Dead) Women

Abortion and Violence Against Pregnant Women

The Myth of Sexual Autonomy 

Isolating Women and Encouraging Jerks



What Studies Show: Impact of Abortion Regulations 

Who the Law Targets

“The Daily Show” Doesn’t Do Its Homework 

Social Programs to Help the Poor are Pro-life 



Figuring out Euthanasia: What Does it Really Mean?

How Euthanasia and Poverty Threaten the Disabled

Euthanasia by Poverty: Stories from Canada 

Grieving for John



Applying Pacifist Insights to Abortion

The Civil War Conundrum, 150 Years Later

Would Nonviolence Work on the Nazis?

If You Can’t Explain the Opposition to Your Case


Postal Address: 811 Cleaver II Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64110

E-mail: clerk @ prolifequakers . org  [remove spaces]

Voice and Text (clerk Rachel MacNair): 816 –

753  –  2057